
Polypropylene Mesh Bags for Industrial and Construction Applications

by Justin Schoen on Sep 25, 2023

Polypropylene Mesh Bags for Industrial and Construction Applications

In the world of industrial and construction applications, finding the right materials for packaging and containment can be a challenge. This is where polypropylene mesh bags from Commercial Supply Co. step in as a versatile and reliable solution.

Polypropylene Mesh Bags

Polypropylene mesh bags are made from woven polypropylene, a synthetic polymer known for its strength, durability, and resistance to moisture and chemicals. These bags are designed to withstand the rigors of industrial and construction environments, making them an ideal choice for a wide range of applications.

Storage and Transportation of Aggregates

One of the primary uses of polypropylene mesh bags in construction is for the storage and transportation of aggregates such as sand, gravel, and stone. These bags can hold large quantities of material while allowing for adequate airflow, preventing moisture buildup and maintaining the quality of the aggregates.

Erosion Control and Silt Fencing

Polypropylene mesh bags are also employed in erosion control applications. They can be filled with materials like rocks or sand and used to create barriers that prevent soil erosion. Additionally, they are used as silt fencing to filter sediment-laden water, protecting nearby water bodies from pollution.

Containment and Debris Removal

In industrial settings, polypropylene mesh bags are used for containing and disposing of waste materials. They are tough enough to handle sharp or heavy objects and are often utilized in construction sites for collecting debris and trash. Their durability ensures that they can withstand rough handling and harsh conditions.

Vegetable and Fruit Harvesting

Beyond construction and industrial uses, polypropylene mesh bags find application in agriculture, particularly for harvesting fruits and vegetables. These bags provide ventilation to keep produce fresh while making it easy to transport and store large quantities of crops.

Sandbag Barriers in Flood Control

During floods or heavy rains, sandbag barriers are crucial for preventing water damage. Polypropylene mesh bags filled with sand are commonly used for constructing these barriers. They are an effective and portable solution that can be quickly deployed in emergency situations.

Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly

Polypropylene mesh bags are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. They are reusable and recyclable, reducing waste and contributing to sustainability efforts.

Commercial Supply Co.'s mesh selection spans an array of sizes, dimensions, and colors, including:

  • 11 x 19: Red, white, purple
  • 15 x 25: Red, white, purple
  • 18 x 30: Red, white, purple
  • 18 x 32: Red, white
  • 19 x 32: Red, white, purple
  • 22 x 36: Green
  • 24 x 36: Green, yellow

Contact Commercial Supply Co. to learn more >>