Summer Gardening Guide
Summer heat does swell for the weeds sprouting up in your garden. What started out as just a little green growth can quickly begin to take over your whole yard, so weeding is a must. Keeping weeds means that less moisture and fewer nutrients are making it to your plants, and it could also lead to insects finding their way into your garden. It’s best to weed when the soil is moist, and when the weeds are still young and small – otherwise those weeds will seed, and soon your yard will be full of dandelions!
A little mulch will go along way for your garden, and your plants will thank you for it! Spread a 2-inch deep layer of mulch over your soil, which will blanket the ground, shield the soil from the sun, and leave your plant roots feeling well-moisturized and happy all summer long.
Fading Flowers
It might seem contradictory to keeping a full, blooming garden, but once flowers have begun to fade, it’s time to get rid of them! “Deadheading” is a process that prevents plants from producing more seeds, and instead, the plant will be able to put even more energy into new, colorful blooms.
Many plants prefer an average of one inch of water each week. If you live in a climate plagued by particularly dry summers, you might need to water your garden a bit more regularly. When you water, try to aim the water directly at the ground rather than getting the leaves of the plant. If you leave excess water on plant leaves, it could lead to disease. Also be sure to apply your one inch of water all at once which will help your plant’s roots sink deeply into the soil.
Planting Fresh
Summer is the perfect time to spruce up your garden bed. The summer heat means that your spring plants will begin to fade, but don’t worry, you can replace them with sun-loving plants like lantana, pentas, salvia, ageratum, zinnia, among many others. These plants will all grow quickly and you’ll have new colors blooming throughout your yard in no time. Bulbs are also a great choice for summer planting, like canna, dahlia, and calla.