
Woven Poly-What?

by Shopify API on Feb 02, 2015

Woven polypropylene is a multipurpose material that’s commonly used in packaging, textiles, flood and erosion control, levees, and construction. The recyclable, environmentally friendly material is unique in that it’s easily formed and shaped, allowing it to serve numerous purposes.

Woven polypropylene can be broken into two parts: the material and the style of production.

The first polymerized polypropylene occurred in the lab of Phillips Petroleum chemists, Hogan and Banks, in the early 1950s. The mass-commercialization of polypropylene began soon after. Today, the material is the second most important plastic, expected to exceed a revenue of over USD$145 billion by 2019. Polypropylene is most frequently characterized by its chemical, flame, and rot resistance.

When polypropylene threads are woven together, they create a very light but incredibly durable material. This method allows the material to maintain its strength while providing a breathable climate for the contents of your woven polypropylene bags.

Woven polypropylene bags offer a number of advantages:

  • long lasting and reusable
  • naturally tear-resistant
  • better burst strength compared to plastic bags
  • won’t degrade in wet conditions
  • can be laminated to provide added moisture barrier

Woven polypropylene is most commonly used in sandbags for flood control, however they’re incredibly multipurpose thanks in part to their durable and reusable nature. Some of these purposes include traffic control, gravel and aggregates, feed and grain storage, debris removal bags, clothing, and packaging and shipping among others. If you’re interested in how woven polypropylene might be of use to you, or you’d like to request a quote, please visit our contact page.